Year: 2023


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Today I’m reflecting on what we did in Esol for the past two weeks.

What :

The first thing we did was to write a story about our siblings or even our parents. We have to write the story by hand and then we put it in our documents to edit and add some other words for our story. Our requirement was to use the five vocabulary words that we learned from the story of Night At Benny’s. For my story I did a story about a messy kitchen and me and my brother were having disagreement. The story mostly follows the topic of the state of the kitchen because when we’re doing our hand-written writing, they say the story needs to have your family in the story. I already finished my story but added more sentences to have more sibling rivalry. After that we had to put all of that in a book that we need to create. I put some pages with some images with their ULR link to them, so we can put credit to the person who made the illustration.

So What ?

I learned how to use different tools in book creator which was a bit confusing because it has different layouts and controls.

Now What ?

The website that we used was book creator , it’s a very helpful website that helps us to make our desire books come to life.



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What is your main finger print  :

My main fingerprint is a loop

How fingerprints are revealed at crime scenes  : 

They use a electronic scanning device or using ink or paper to reveal the fingerprints.

When first crime was solved using fingerprint evidence

The first time that fingerprinting was ever used was in 1892 in Argentina. There was homicide of two young boys and they figure who did it because they found the fingerprints.

what records are kept for convicted criminals 





Escape Room Reflection

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The escape room was a website that was about a murder in the train station. We have to through different rooms to get more evidence of who’s the murder. There were a lot of different puzzles and riddles that we needed to solve. There’s even a puzzle about pig pen cipher that uses a series of codes that uses only lines and dot like Morse code. Our goal was   to find more evidence of who is the murderer. Our team started off strong and we unlocked a lot of rooms and evidence that kept us in the lead in points. Every time we unlock something in the game, we will get points for that. My team managed to unlock a lot of clues and completed a lot of puzzles. The next day we were stuck in a room that has a lot of puzzles that were very confusing and we didn’t even know where to start. The puzzle we were able to complete was to unlock one of the lockers. As time passed by we were able to unlock all of the evidence, we have to guess and figure out who was the killer. Unfortunatly a team got it first because we were able to guess with no consequences.

What was your personality type and how did your team go ?

Our personality type of my team was showing good team work and good communication which means that we were extroverted because we had good communication.

What worked well for your team 

A lot of things went right like good communication and note taking to help us in the future. We had good teamwork that helped us in a lot of puzzles and we were helping each other out on clues puzzles too.

What didn’t go well ?

The only thing that didn’t go well was that we couldn’t figure out some of the puzzles and we were stuck as a team. We needed to rely on other teams to figure it out and complete the other puzzles. We were confused about some of the puzzles and we didn’t know what to do.

What would you do differently next time to make it more successful

The next time we’ll do it is to have more awareness of our surroundings in our game. There’s a lot of clues that we’re not able to find. We also didn’t use all of the clues and numbers that the game provides us.

How was your Taha Whanau and Taha Wairua ?

Our Taha whanua is very good because we had good team work and good communication  skills to our team. My Taha Wairua is also good because the game gave me a sense of belonging because I like puzzles that challenges.

5 Words From An Article

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Today we’re going to explore an article from a trusted website. I went to an article that was about people who were in the boat and tried to attack the killer whales by playing loud heavy metal music. Then the killer whales made it harder for the boat to steer and made their life harder to keep their boat balance.


5 Words : 







Detrimental : 

Tending to cause harm for negative effects. 

Mundane : 

Loss of interest and excitement of something. 

Marauding : 

Going to have a search of things to loot and attack people 

Deterrent : 

Something that prevents or makes it difficult for someone to do any action. 

Catamaran : 

A type of ship class that has two separate hulls that resistance of rolling and overturning/ 


Hello and welcome back to my blog,

In this class we moved to another topic and unit for our health class. We’re moving from nutrition and fitness to our FBI unit. On this topic we’re learning about how to read and know about the concept of personality. When we learned this topic, we started to learn the functions of our brain. We learned that there are four main parts of the brain which are the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital. There are two more extra parts which are cerebellum and the brain-stem. They all play a key and important role for our brains to function and use in our everyday lives. Each part has a responsibility to each situation. After that we played a game that teaches the roles of our brain. We click the different part of the brain and play a game that was relating to the part and function of the brain.

Then we did a personality test which I got the personality trait of a campaigner.

What group and personality type did you pick from that scenario and why ?

What did the personality test says about you ? (DO YOU AGREE ?)

I agree with my personality type because the results mostly say about what I act to other people and to myself. It says that i’m 54% extroverted which I agree with because I can be extroverted and introverted depending on what environment I am in. I’m 72% Intutive, 74% Feeling, 53% Prospecting and 85% Turbulent. I mostly agree with all of them, especially when i’m 85% turbulent because i’m more exposed to stress and expect something that we do is perfect.

What is the main difference between a non- psychopath and a psychopath brain : 

The main difference between psychopaths and the brain is that they have difficulty finding what is right or wrong. As you can see in the x-ray, there’s a certain part of the brain that has a major difference between the normal brain. The psychopath’s brain has less grey matter which is a vital tissue that gives you the ability to move and function in your everyday life. It’s also responsible for retaining your memories and control movement and emotions. When a psychopath brain has less grey matter, they have trouble having guilt and doubts of their negative actions that impact poorly on other people. They can also affect how they feel they felt remorse or guilt to their inhumane actions.There was research in 2003 that they found out that psychopaths tend to have more violent tendencies than a regular person but not all psychopaths are driven by violent emotions.

Unpacking Psychopathy | Danielle Rousseau

Gray Matter vs White Matter | Technology Networks

Interesting facts that I learned : 

There are so many things that I learned like the brain has four main parts that are each responsible for each purpose in your everyday life. They have their unique way of presenting their role for different situations. I also learned more about myself from the personality test and knowing what I got from the statistics.

How does knowing your personality type impact one of your hauora ? (Taha Wairua/Sense of Belonging) 

My personality type impacted me a lot because I was more aware of how I behave and act to other people. It helps me to take note of what i’m doing and know if it’s relating what personality I got. It gave me a better understanding of myself and having more knowledge of how I treat and act to other people. I set boundaries to prevent me from overthinking what I got from my personality test because the test is not always telling the accurate data of your personality.

Work So far That We have done In This Topic. 

All the stuff we’ve done was exploring different websites to learn more information about our brain and personality.

Brain Game 

Personalty Test 

Good Sleep

Things that kept you up at night :

  • Insomnia
  • Stress (Past, Future and present)
  • Loud  Sounds
  • Electronics

Sleep experts recommend you keep your bedroom temperature under 18 degree Celsius. 18 degree Celsius is the recommended temperature for your bedroom. Your core body temperature naturally decreases in the evening.

Avoid using your phone, or light emitting devices and screens. Make sure you use your device 1 hour before you sleep.

Don’t stay in bed if you’re struggling to sleep. If you stay in bed feeling frustrated about not sleeping, you can begin to associate your beds with wakefulness rather than rest.


  • Get up if you’re unable to sleep after about 20 minutes.
  • Go to another room and engage in a restful activity(reading, mediating, listening to something quietly) in dim lighting.

You have your best chance of a restful night sleeping in a cool, dark quiet bedroom.

Go to sleep at the same time , and wake up at the same time. Try and keep a consistent sleep routine across the week and weekend. This is especially challenging during your teen years, as you naturally want to go to sleep later and wake up later than most school times will allow.

If you’re sleep deprived, you may feel you need to catch up on sleep.

Key takes form video

  • Don’t go to your bed just to be sleepy and eventually fall asleep ( only go to your bed when you’re sleepy)
  • Write some stuff in a journal that worries your past, future and present.
  •  Go to a different room and do some activities that don’t require any movement.
  • Mediation.

Mediation is very helpful because you focus on your body and mind while being in a peaceful state. It gives you the idea to tell your body to calm down and find some solutions from your problems.

Other ways to make you sleep.

  • Avoid caffeine because those are what makes you alert and more awake.
  • Exercise to make you tried
  • Don’t eat heavy meals right before you sleep.
  • Go to a room that is quiet.




ESOL Reflection Term 4 Week 3

Hello and welcome to my blog,

Today we’re in our last esol class for this week.  For this week we only had to do three things that we had to do. The first that we did for our esol class was to compare and give feedback to someone in our class about our work. Our work answers the questions about the night at Benny’s. After that we did some perfect education, to learn about two new adjectives. Those two adjectives were superlative and comparative adjectives . I learned that comparative adjectives are used to compare something and superlative language is used to tell something that is good or bad.

What ?

For this week we did a bit of work on education perfect. Before we did perfect education, we had to compare our answers from last week when we did some questions about the story of Benny. We had to partner up with someone and compare our answers together. Me and my partner had similar answers which means we had similar thoughts about the story. After we compared our answers, we had to finish a task on education perfect. The two main topics on education perfect were comparative verbs and superlative adjectives. Comparative adjectives are basically comparing something by adding “er” or more. Superlative adjectives are basically the same but showing the most value of something like greatest, strongest or even adding most in the word. 

Now What ?

I learned a lot about giving feedback to someone and also about superlative and comparative adjectives. I learned two definitions about it and learned how to use it in a sentence. The definition of comparative adjectives is just comparing something and superlative adjectives is just telling if something is  good or bad if something is.

So What ?

This is a good way to learn new language features to put on writing and use it for other classes. 

Light Rays

Opaque objects are solid and an object that doesn’t let any light through it.

Examples : Cardboard, Aluminium Wood,Clay Metal,Concrete, Different plastic.

are clear

Transparent objects is clear and you can see it right through it and let light to pass through the object.

Examples : Glass, Water, Cling Warp, Different kinds of plastic, lenses.

Translucent objects are objects that allow some light to pass through but not through the object.

Examples : Paper, Frosted Glass, Vegetable oil Sun Glasses.

Shiny objects reflect light and rather not adsorb the light or let it pass it through the object.

What are light rays 

Light is an electromagnetic wave that travels into a beam of light.

ESOl Reflection Week 2

Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

Today we’re back from last week and now we’re going to continue our work from last week. We missed one document that had a bunch of questions to fill out, so we had to do it this week. I completed one class and also completed my reflection from last week’s reflection. Then we have to read a lot of books online and there’s a lot of options that are popular. I read about Malitida because I watched the movie and read the book at primary school. It was very nostalgic for me because I grew watching the film when I was young


What ?

For this week we had to continue our work for last week. To recap what we did in week 1, we did some work around a story called a night at benny. We did a vocabulary table about all of the words that they used in the story. We even have to translate the word into our first language(My one is Filipino). Then we have to use the word in an example and then show the definition of the word and show a lot of details. After that we needed some marking around our questions and then answered more questions that I missed last week. This is the main thing we had to finish for this week, which I did. After we completed our work we did some online reading in our chromebooks. I read about Matilda and The Boy In Striped Pyjamas. 

So What ?

I learned some new words to put in my vocabulary knowledge like whinged and fuss. Whinged means that you’re completing something irrelevant and fuss means to make a big deal of something that isn’t important. One of the goals on the vocabulary table was to learn some new words to use at my other classes which I achieved. My other goal was to at least get most of the questions,which I did with only one wrong answer. My next step is to try to get all of my questions right at the next

Now What ?

This is very helpful because I can learn new unique words to put in my other class. This can increase my knowledge of English because english is my second language which is very helpful in vital times. This is also helpful commuting with other people with using formal words to be respectful to other people.

ESOL Reflection Term 4 Week 1


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Today we’re back from the holiday and now we’re going back to our esol class. For this week we read a short story about a night at Benny’s. The story was just about a kid that was going to their neighbour’s house for a sleepover. The only problem was that his sister was making a huge fuss about and she’s wondering about why she should stay home and do the chores. They go back and forth until the sister splashed her younger brother with soapy water as well as her dad which got very mad. That’s mostly the story about sibling rivalry. After that we did a vocabulary table about all the words they used in the story. Then after that we need some questions relating to the story


What ?

The first thing we did at Esol was to read a short story about a person staying at Benny’s house. It was a short story and it shows a lot of the main character’s family relationship like the sibling rivalry/ conflict and the dad’s strict behaviour to his children. The sister was older than the main character, which was a younger brother named Brian. Brian’s older sister Feliona, was making a big deal that Brian was allowed to go to their new neighbour’s house. The reason behind is that Feliona had to clean and dry the dishes and his brother gets to stay at someone’s house without doing anything to their house. After we read the story we have to do tasks and questions that are related to the story. 

So What ?

I learned how to spot any key details in the story to get a better understanding of the whole point of the story. I also learned what happened after I read it a bunch of times because I couldn’t really understand what was the story of the text. Next time I will try to get a better understanding of another story in fewer tries. My goal was just to finish work and work my way up. 

Now What ?

This is very helpful because it’s somewhat similar to an English test. This type of work has a similar layout as a test because they will give you a text and answer some questions about it.