Month: August 2023

Health Assessment

Hello and welcome back to my blog,

For this term we’ve been learning a new topic of Death, Dying and Afterlife for this unit. This topic consists of learning how a person dies, how the body reacts when they’re close to dying and how you cope with loss. We did a lot of activities too, one time we had to do a presentation about the 5 stages of grief. The 5 stages of grief have 5 different emotions and each person can experience it at different times. Those 5 emotions are Denial, Anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

In one week, we had to also make another presentation about the different events that took many lives like the black death, Spanish flu or the Victoria era.

We were also lucky enough to watch a popular movie called Coco. In the movie we learned the difference between other people’s cultures and beliefs of the after life. In this instance, the movie’s beliefs of the after life is that if a family remembers you, you get to live in the after life. We did 1-3 tasks about coco and moved on into a different topic of death, dying and afterlife. The topic was about how different cultures cope with loss of their love ones and how do those cultures have a proper burial.

Now we’re the last topic of this unit which is an assessment that is associated with death or coping with loss.


My Chosen topic for this assessment is about the top 30 deadliest diseases. The disease that I picked is the deadliest disease which is the Mad Cow Disease. The reason that I picked this topic is that I want to find out how a disease can kill a human and what’s the process behind it too.

I found a lot of interesting information about this topic like for example Mad Cows Disease has a 100% mortality rate which means that you’re going to die in a few months or even years. I learned  Humans have a rare chance of getting this disease because you can only get this disease when you eat unsanitary meat. Mad cows disease has another name too called creutzfeldt–jakob disease because the disease focuses on your brain. The disease makes your brain tissue corrupt and over time, by then it starts to destroy your brain and spinal cord.

When the disease starts weakening your spinal cord, you have a hard time of walking and you can’t stand up straight because you just lose your balance due to the lack of control of your limbs. Spinal and brain damage is not the only thing that disease is capable of. It also makes you dizzy and having vision loss, by then they might have muscle spasms which makes their muscles move uncontrollably.

Victims might even get into a coma due to this disease due to the fact that disease makes changes into the vital parts of your brain. Mad Cow Disease has the ability of changing a person’s personality and making them hallucinate which makes their criticality insane.

Unfortunately all of the victims that have this disease would die in 1-2 years and there’s no cure and survivors of this disease. Currently about 350 people are reported to get mad cow disease in The United States Of America.


How did you demonstrate respect towards others ( In class)

I showed a number of ways to show respect to my teachers and students in class. I’m silent when my teacher is trying to speak or showing us a new topic of our work. Our teacher showed her own experience of coping with death and I was very respectful to her because it shows that i’m paying attention that she’s saying something that is personal to her. I complete work every-time in this class and I have a tendency to catch up in all of my classes so I’m not behind on anything.

I was respectful to other cultures when we were learning about the different cultures beliefs of death and different traditions. I don’t mock or ridicule someone’s culture because it’s very disrespectful and it discriminates against other minorities.

Hauroa :

Taha Tinana : Physical

I showed taha tinana in this class by being nice and kind to everyone. I was helping people who need a little help or support for their work and I make instructions more clear to them so they can have a better understanding. I always complete work that has given to me and I try my best to do work at home so I can be more up to date for this class.

Taha Whanau  : Family/ Friends.

I’m always helping my friends and I respect their time when we’re having conversation or doing work. I manage their time too by having a conversation at the right time. If we’re doing work I will try to avoid having a long conversation and instead focus on the work.

Taha Hinengaro : Mental & Emotional

I showed respect and comfort to my friends when they’re having a bad day and I try to make this class more fun and enjoyable. I liked this class a lot because we did a lot of interesting topics and I had little knowledge of it. I never showed any anger or sadness to this class and i’m always calm and peaceful in this class.

Taha Wairua : Spiritual

Showing my true emotions and colours in this class has always been helpful to my friends or other classmates. I showed confidence when I was sharing my knowledge to my friends too.


How did you demonstrate respect towards others (Outside of school)

For my culture we would do nice gestures to everyone, even strangers. For example we would give extra food to other guests in a house warming, we even give some to other neighbours. If we’re having a conversation, we’re very respectful of your statements and opinions towards our conversations. We can communicate with other people more because most Filipinos can speak English very well.  Most of us can control our anger and use it at the right place and time to use it. If we’re showing respect to someone who has the same cultures as us, we would use simple phrases  to be more mannered and respectful.

If we have older people that have a 4-5 age gap between our own age, we would call them “kuya” or “ate”. It means brother and sister and we would use it everytime when we are trying to get their attention. Even though we’re not brothers or sisters by blood, we would still use it for showing respect to people who are older than us. If they’re the age of an adult or have their own family, we would call them “Tito” or “Tita”. It means uncle or auntie and even though they’re not aunties or uncles, we would still use those phrases to show our sign of respect.

Taha Tinana : Physical

We would show respect by doing ” mano po” for our culture. It’s basically getting an older person’s hand and using the back of the hand to touch our forehead. This shows our respect for our elderly. The person who is putting their hand on the person’s fore head, might say some stuff like “May god bless you” or “May god have mercy on you”

Taha Whanau  : Family/ Friends.

If we’re showing respect for our family, we would help them in any situation like cleaning the house, helping our dads in the backyard. We would also sometimes cook for them because we want our clean house and food for our parents because they’re working hard to support our family.

Taha Hinengaro : Mental & Emotional

We show respect on this side for Te Whare Tapa Wha by just being respectful and kind to people. We would not try to swear in front of family because it would be very disrespectful for the elderly and would embarrass us by showing that we don’t have self- control.

Taha Wairua : Spiritual

For this side of hauroa, we show our respect by being a Catholic or Christian in our culture. We show respect for our religion by going to church every Sunday and reading the bible. We will always pray every-time when we’re about to eat, every night and every day. The bible guides us to know how to live while praising the lord.


Why is it important that you take care of all areas of hauora when we experience change, loss, or grief?

It is very important to take care of the four walls of hauroa when you’re experiencing a loss to someone that was close to you. It’s very important to take care of your physical and mental health because they are the reason you’re alive and can experience emotions. If we don’t take care of the 4 walls of hauora, it would be very terrible to the person who’s experiencing this because their life would be very unbalanced and it’s very hard to heal and dealing with the pain. The haorua guides us how to live life at a steady rate and find how to balance with the negative stuff.

The four walls of hauroa and their meanings. :

Taha Wairua is your beliefs and your religion like christianity, catholic, buddhism and other religions. But it is not only your beliefs and religion, it’s also about you. Your identity, your confidence and things that make you.

Taha Tinana is your physical wellbeing, like eating well and getting the right amount of sleep, drinking a lot of water and staying fit. Your physical wellbeing is what you are treating our body with.

Taha Hinengaro is your mental and emotional wellbeing. This wall is very important because it helps to make the right choices and the way you think and act. The requirements to make this wall very strong is to have the right mindset and always think positive. 

Taha Whanau is your family and your social wellbeing. Is not always your family, it’s your relationships like your friends. It’s also important because it is all about your family and your friends. It’s like always taking care of them and helping them. 

If one of the walls is very weak, for example your physician’s well being is not very good because you didn’t get a good night’s sleep. One of your walls is going to crumble if that happens the entire house crumbles down. 

Terms OF Energy

Kinetic Energy :

Definition :

Kinetic Energy is energy that is associated with movements or objects in motion . If they transfer energy, a work is done into an object, the object moves faster and gets more powerful kinetic energy.

Examples :

Running, Walking, Falling

Formula : K.E. = 1/2 m v2

Potential Energy :

Definition :

Potential Energy is energy that has been stored in an object that has potential to be a different kind of energy. There’s a different name for potential energy which is called chemical energy. The reason that they call it, is because the chemical energy mentions chemical bonds and chemical compounds that have been stored in an energy.

Examples :

A rock that is about to roll down the hill, Water that is behind a dam, An Bow that is about to shoot an arrow. Food because there’s energy stored in food

Formula : P.E. = mgh

Elastic Energy :

Definition :

Elastic Energy is an energy that has potential energy that has been stored from a stretchy or compressing object that has the potential to have a push or pull force.

Examples :

Stretching a Rubber band, Pulling a string. Shooting a Sling Shot.

Formula :

U=\frac{1}{2} k \Delta x^{2}

Gravitational potential energy

Definition :

Gravitational potential energy is the energy that is stored in an object that is above the height of earth from the ground. the energy causes objects to fall to the ground because of gravity and another kind of potential energy.

Example :

A yoyo before it is released

A object that is about fall from the shelf

Formula :

U=m g h

Trashing the World

Hello and this my essay for my SOS class,

For this week we’re doing an essay about the different topics on our ocean and making it as a lawyer paragraph. The lawyer paragraph is a type of writing that states your statement and providing evidence for it. We’re doing this every term to master our craft on how to do a lawyer paragraph. The topic that I did was simple which is plastic in the ocean. I stated that it can cause problems to sea creatures, food chains and even climate change. After that I wrote that why it matters and provides a lot of evidence to back up my statement. I wrote three paragraphs for it and did couple types of writing different sentences.

Introduction : 


One of the most used materials, plastic.The problem of plastic for humans is that it harms sea creatures. Our vast oceans covers 70% of our surface. It gives plastic a better advantage and chance to end in our oceans because there’s more places that plastic can be in the ocean. We’ve been using plastic everyday since the day we invented it and there’s no signs of stopping. It’s nearly impossible to stay away from plastic because it’s vital for our everyday lives. This essay will convince people how plastic can have a lot of consequences and lead to a chain of bad events that can affect our future. This can also demonstrate that it kills the unique minority  of marine animals and also contributes to climate change. 

Lawyer Paragraph 1

One of the issues of plastic is that it terminates a  large group of sea creatures every year. It’s very important to spread awareness of plastic harming life. Sea creatures eat everything that they think is food but they don’t recognize if it’s plastic or not. Every year our 100 million unique sea creatures die from plastic and waste. All of the turtles in the world have plastic in their body and 100,000 sea creatures die from being entangled from plastic or fishing nets. Most of our plastic ends up in our ocean because our surface is covered with our vast oceans(About 70% to be exact) Plastic gets carried by powerful winds or ends up in streams, rivers and pipes that guide the way to our oceans. When plastic gets into our oceans it causes a chain of negative effects like harming the food chains, tampouring our corals and many other more. In periods of time plastic starts to break down from oxidation, sunlight or sea creatures eating pieces of plastic. After that they’re capable of turning into a different kind of plastic called micro-plastic. Micro plastic is plastic that is very small and has the size of less than 5 millimeters long. This kind of plastic is nearly impossible to clean up because the size can be recognized to be microscopic. We should prevent plastic from entering our oceans because it harms our oceans.

Lawyer Paragraph 2

The second thing is that plastic can cause a lot of bad events and negative things like harming the food chains in our oceans. Plastic can also affect our future generations if not taken seriously and not to consideration. It can also lead to loss of unique sea creatures and also another negative impact for our food sources. You might be wondering, how can plastic harm the food chain? Surprisingly animals can pass plastic around to different creatures by possibly eating plastic without knowing if they’re food or something that is small is. The difference between their food source and plastic which leads to them eating whatever that is small. There’s a possibility that an animal’s predator might eat them that has plastic in their body. It is an example of how plastic gets transmitted into different bodies which is called (Tropical Transfer). This can affect the food chain and even humans if we consume something from the ocean that has plastic inside of it. In conclusion plastic can have a lot of negative impacts to the environment in our oceans and should be protected.

Lawyer Paragraph 3

The third and last thing that plastic can do is that it can affect humans due to contribution to climate change. Plastic can contribute to climate change from burning plastic. When plastic gets burned it turns into carbon dioxide which is the main reason for global warming. To give you an idea of climate change, here’s a little explanation. When carbon dioxide gets trapped in our atmosphere and makes the planet warmer. This can lead to oceans to get warmer and ice to melt. When ice melts it causes the water to rise up because ice is basically water which melts and adds the volume of water. This can lead to catastrophic events if sea level keeps rising because it can destroy coastal cities and many other places that are surrounded with water. I also didn’t even mention that plastic can absorb carbon dioxide which is another reason how the ocean can be warmer. I was very shocked to find that information and I didn’t know that plastic can be very capable of causing a lot of destruction in our world. In the near future we might be in a war with plastic if we don’t act now. We need to reduce our intake of plastic because by 2050, there will be more plastic fish. If you’re wondering how do they count all of the fishes and plastic and compare which has more. Well they don’t count each plastic and fish. They compare by weight and estimate how much fish and plastic can convert into their weight. Plastic can significantly ruin our planet by contributing to climate change and we need to prevent it. 


 Plastic can lead to the loss of sea life, interfering with our food chain and the contribution of climate change. There are animals that constantly suffer from our inhumane actions and the purpose of their lives is to survive. Plastic is the main ally of climate change and plastic is transmitting to different sea creatures like a disease. Humans need to adapt the concept of cleaning our planet because we’re currently in the stage where we need to change our mindset about our planet. If all of us lend a hand, we can make an impact that can change our world. This might be the ideal, however the only things that are holding us back are our ego and money. 


Here’s my mind map :

Hello and welcome back to my weekly updates about this blog,

Today we made a bar graph about how much waste does each continent produce in 2019. Overall Asia produce the most waste which has a lot reasons behind. The first reason that they produce so much waste because the continent of Asia has the most population and has the biggest land area so far. More population leads to more waste because there’s more people in the area. The second main thing that Asia produce the most waste because that the things we own is made from Asians countries. The particularly reason of everything is made Asian countries is that it’s cheap to get it produce, manufacture and low labor cost. Workers who makes these cheap stuff is getting below minimum wage and that’s why it’s so cheap. That’s why we get the saying “everything is made from china” because it’s so cheap.

The secound biggest continent in the list that doesn’t come close with Asia, is Africa. They contributed 8% of the waste in 2019 but Asian has a mind-blowing 80% of earth’s waste in 2019. Next on the list is South American then North America. South America has more waste because I think there’s more population in the South than the North. Then there’s Europe and Oceania. Europe is doing well at taking care of their waste as well having a big population. They find new ways how tot take our of their waste and having more clean energy. Then Oceania being at last place due to have only to big countries contributing to how much waste they produce. The two countries are Australia and New Zealand.

Graph Results :

Asia Africa South American North America Europe Oceania
80% 8% 6% 5% 0.60% 0.40%

Hello and welcome to my blog for the last term of the year, term 4.

For this term, we’re still doing our topic of trashing the world for our social studies. Last week of term and this week, we were making a poster in real life about the problems of our oceans and we have to add our facts and other things to make our poster good. For today we’re brainstorming about how we can help our ocean. The first thing that comes to my mind is that it is bad plastic close to beaches so there’s less people going to the beaches with plastic with them. We should do what Singapore is doing, which is burning the plastic and filtering it when it gets burned so there’s no harmful chemicals entering our atmosphere. Then the remains of it would be burned again or just put somewhere that is allowed to perish in the future

Hello and welcome to my blog ,

Today we’re moving into a new topic in our Social studies. Our last topic in our social studies was about big masses of death and different other events that happened to kill a lot of people. Now we’re exploring more detail about trash on our planet and what are the effects of it. For this unit we’re now learning about trash in our oceans. The first thing we did in this new type of topic was to brainstorm about the problems in our oceans. For our group we wrote that there’s plastic in the ocean and different marine animals are dying in large groups. In  one group they put over fishing which was one of the big problems in our oceans. Fishing companies have huge supplies of fish but have low consumers to buy a lot of fish to make a difference in the supply of it.

Then after that we read some articles to give us more of an idea of what is the main problem in our oceans. After we read more articles we have to write 8 information and the main idea about the articles. After that we put into a poster and added some photos and info-graphics that are related to our oceans. For my ocean poster,

I got a template that has 9 blocks that can be used to show information about something. I deleted one of the blocks and added all the facts in each block in the poster. Then I changed the background to blue and added some pictures that are related to each statistics, in each block.

Here’s my poster.


Beige Red Illustrated Ocean Swimming Rules Infographic by Renz Manaig
Over-fishing :

Overfishing - Wikipedia

Not so…. Great Pacific Garbage Patch

300-Mile Swim Through The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Will Collect Data On Plastic Pollution

Thank you for checking out my blog and make sure you come back to this blog because I’ll be updating this every week. Thank you and have a good day.

Colour Flame Test

Aim :

I want to find out how to change the colour of flames by using different chemicals.

Research :

Why Do Different Elements Produce Different Colours Of Flames :

Coloured Flames With Salt 

Flame Test Colours 

Articles :


Independent Variables : Things we can change the outcome of the experiment ( The way we put the powered chemicals into our metal rod and putting it in the Bunsen burner)

Dependent Variables : Things we measure and calculate from the experiment ( What chemicals produce different colours of flames)

Controlled Variables : The same Bunsen burner we’re using and the same amount of chemicals we use in each bottle.

Hypothesis : 

I predict that the chemicals would change the colour of the flame because the electrons would get excited when they’re heated and they would move into different orbits of the atom’ structure. When they’re cooled down, they go back to their original positions from where they started. When the electrons did a lot of movement, they produce additional energy to make light waves.

Flame tests | Causes of Color



  • Safety Glasses
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Wire Stick With A Loop
  • Beaker



  • Copper II Chloride
  • Potassium Chloride
  • Calcium Chloride
  • Copper Sulphate
  • Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
  • Strontium Chloride
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Nitric Acid

Instructions :

1 . Get your equipment ready


2.  Set up the Bunsen burner

3. make sure the flame of the Bunsen burner is blue and it’s almost invisible to the naked eye.

4. Dip your wire in the salty-looking substance in one of your bottles of chemicals.

5. Put your wire into the blue-looking flame

6. Watch it change colours

7. After that you dip your wire in the nitric acid

8. chose a different bottle to dip your wire it

Repeat instructions 4-8


Chemical  Colour 
Copper II Chloride Green
Potassium Chloride  Lilac 
Calcium Chloride  Crimson Red 
Copper Sulphate  Green/ Purple/ Orange 
Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate  Yellow/Orange 
Strontium Chloride  Bright Red
Sodium Chloride  Yellow 




Discussions :

How does it work ? 

What is Chemical Energy :

Chemical energy is basically energy that has been stored in the bonds of chemical compounds. The Chemical energy would get released when a chemical reaction occurs and once a chemical energy has been released from a substance, that substance would change to a new substance.

Chemical Energy: Definition, Facts, Examples, and Pictures

Meanings Of Different words :

Kinetic Energy : An energy of an object has because of its movement that can be seen.

Potential Energy : An energy that has been stored into objects (Batteries)

What is kinetic energy? – TechTarget Definition

What is Light Energy:

Light energy is a different kind of kinetic energy that is able to allow different forms of light that can be seen from the human’s naked eye.

Light Energy - Knowledge Bank - Solar Schools

What is the wavelength of the different colours from the chemicals

The wavelengths of colours are different from each other. The wavelength is measuring how much electromagnetic radiation is there and what colour light comes out of it. Longer the wavelength the warmer of the colours and if it has shorter waves the colours would be cooler. If there were long wavelengths, the wavelengths would be more distributed and it would be the size of buildings. Shorter wavelengths are very small and they focus on a precise location.

Colours of light — Science Learning Hub

How Does The Chemicals Change The Colour Of The Flames :

The reason that the flames change colours from the flames is because different chemicals act differently with fire. Therefore the chemicals were able to change the colour flames. The reason behind it, is that chemicals have different amounts of electrons moving around from the nucleus and having different energy levels. The electrons would get excited when they’re in a metal cation and become excited and they change into a higher energy level.

They burn and produce different levels of waves because of their atomic structures.

What chemicals are involved in fireworks and how do you make it.

The chemicals that are involved in fireworks are gunpowder and charcoal, which makes it explode or help it to explode. Then they add different kinds of metals or chemicals to make it change into colours. If they want to make fireworks that turn green, you have to use Copper II Chloride because it makes the flame turn into green. They also add chemicals compounds and other complex binders and oxidisers.


Compound Interest: The Chemistry of Fireworks


Speech Reflection

Hello and welcome back to my blog reflection,

Today we’re doing a reflection of a speech we did for the last 4 weeks. The first speech we did was to talk about what we did during our school holidays and we only had to say what’s in our Chromebook. For our second speech it was much more different because we had the freedom to talk about whatever topic we want. We also had to make a presentation of it and provide photos to the following points of our speech. Our goal was to make our speech to be one minute and try not to look at our notes of our speech in our Chromebook.

For my speech, I chose the topic of moving to New Zealand from the Philippines. It was a popular topic and a lot of students and classmates talked about it as well at their speech too. I really thought I was the only one who was choosing these topics but I was proved wrong. I talked about how I moved to New Zealand, Why I moved to New Zealand and how I felt when I moved to New Zealand. I provided photos to my presentation and I started to my speech. When I did I was very stressed and sweaty but I moved on. I was doing good body language and moving my hands but the main problem I was doing was that I was looking at my Chromebook too much and I forgot to move through the slides to show my photos. Overall I did very good at the speech and I’m glad to be finish.

Reflection Week 6

This week I felt a sense of belonging when :

I felt a sense of belonging when I was with my family and friends on the weekends. I also felt a sense of belonging when I was playing basketball with my team on Friday and we won the championship.

This week I felt a sense of accomplishment when :

Me and my team won the finals on Friday and I was going outside more. I also did a speech about my immigration to New Zealand and catch up on my work.

This week what I noticed about my feelings and emotions was :

I noticed that I was more tired and more sleepy at class because I was sleeping very late. I was basically laying down on my bed and doing nothing but I was going outside more.

This I felt affirmed at my unique identity when I :

I was with my friends and family and also with people that i’m close with.

Article :

Apparently there was a car that got stuck in the beaches of Invercargill. An Officer was carrying out duties out on sea but got stuck on the soft sand. The following days, the car was gone and there was a lot of attempts of trying to get the car out of the car and a tow truck won’t work because it would just sink in the sand.

Electromagnetic Radiation


Electromagnetic Radiation Explained : 

Electromagnetic is a flow of energy that travels at the speed of light and they travel anywhere like into different elements, spaces and other stuff. When they move around through different stuff they form into electric and magnetic fields which are made up from electromagnetic waves.

Understanding Electromagnetic Radiation - Properties, Types, and  Characteristics

To simplify it :

Waves of radiation that consist of electromagnetic fields and can carry momentum of energy and different types of energy.

Definition :

A radiation that includes noticeable light and used for different purposes.

How Does Electromagnetic  Radiation work ?

It works by an atom that absorbs energy which causes a group of electrons to change their location in the atom. When the electrons go back to their original positions an electromagnetic radiation is made.


Types of Electromagnetic and their Definition:

Electromagnetic spectrum | Definition, Diagram, & Uses | Britannica

Wavelength :

Tells how long the wave is and measuring and how big it is.

Articles That I got my information  

Electromagnetic Radiation 


Weekly Reflection (Article)

Hello and welcome back to my reflection,

This week I felt a sense of belonging when, 

When I was with my friends at interval and class time. We would have long conversation about the subject we would learn about and help each other in the way too. I felt a sense of belonging when I’m doing one of favourite hobbies, basketball. In Friday I had a game and I training after the game and felt I was belonged there.

This week I felt a sense of accomplishment when,

I did work at home and completing some questions in my assessment. I’ll have been more focus at classes and even Uru Manuka saw my work at science and said some very good feedback. I have been up to date when I missed one school day too.

This week what I noticed about my emotions was. 

That I was focus more at my goals in my classes and completing work. I’m more ambitious to do my work at home when I haven’t done it in school. I was more exhausted from the sports that I been playing and being more active outside.

This week I felt affirmed to my unique identity,

When I was with my brothers and my teammates at basketball.


There was some fossil that was discovered in Egypt that was 41 million years old. The discovery was in a famous site that has a lot of fossil that can be found. The species of the fossil was believed to be a whale and they give them a nickname Tutcetus Rayanensis and it was relating to the famous pharaoh of Egypt, Tutankhamen. They said that the whale was small and the weight of it was 187kg and was about 2.5 meters long. The species of the whale is the Basilosauridae and the whale that they found was smaller than the average basilosauridae.

Drawing of a whale in deep blue water

Three men stand behind a large fossil in a room filled with shelves and specimens

Lemon Battery/ Circuit

Aim :

I want to find out how to make a battery with a lemon

Research :

World’s Largest Lemon Battery Mark Rober (How does it work : 2.44)

How To Make A Lemon Battery 

Lemon Battery Article 

Independent Variable : Things we can change the outcome of the experiment ( The way we put the wires that the electrons can move around)

Dependent Variable : Things we can measure from the experiment ( How much voltages is in the circuit)

Controlled Variable : The same amount of wires, equipment, power, battery. ETC

Parts of an Atom :

Proton ( Positive Charge)

Neutrons ( Has No Charge)

Electrons (Negative Charge)

Protons and the neutrons is in the nucleus, while the electrons is outside of the nucleus and has it’s own electron orbit like the Sun and the Earth. Protons are more bigger than electrons and electrons are 1800 times lighter than protons.

Atom: Definition, Structure & Parts with Labeled Diagram


Hypothesis :

Lemon Battery –

My prediction is that the lemon would conduct electricity because the nail has a positive charge and the copper would  have a negative charge. This makes electricity but it would probably have less than 1 volt because a nail, lemon and some copper is not enough to generate high levels of voltage

How Does Electricity work ?

Electricity works by electrons moving to an atom to another. The electrons move from another atom by having enough electrostatic force to escape their atom. While they move to a another atom, the atom that they escape from has now have a positive charge because there’s less electrons. The atom there currently in has now has a negative charge because there’s more electrons .The movement of electrons is basically electricity.

How Does A Circuit Work 

A Circuit includes a battery which has a positive side and negative side. Wires are used in a circuit because they can carry a flow electricity because metal wires is made up of a lot of atoms which the electrons can move more around. The wire starts in the negative side of the battery and they go the path that the wire are placed. They want to go to the positive side of the battery because it has positive charge which the electrons are attracted to. They keep moving through different wires until they meet to the opposite side of the battery.

Electric Circuits: Components, Types, and Related Concepts

Making a Circuit  

Method : 


  • Lemon
  • Thin Copper Strip
  • Voltmeter
  • Two wires that has a alligator clip ends
  • Galvanized nail


  1. Gather all of your equipment
  2. Stick the nail on the flattish side of the lemon (Make sure you put it near to the end of the lemon, but not far enough that the nail is sticking into the tip of the lemon)
  3. Put the copper strip into the lemon on the same side that you put the nail in. ( Leave a bit of space between the nail and the copper stirp)
  4. Connect the wires into the nail and the copper stirp
  5. Connect the other end of the wires on to the volt meter

Results :

The volts of our lemon was about 0.9

A series of lemon batteries.

The line of lemon batteries generate about 1.5 volts of electricity.

Discussion  :

What should you do if you don’t get a reading on the voltmeter ?

If there’s no reading on the voltmeter, you should check if you put the wires together properly. You can also get another wire for you to connect it or check if the equipment is working.

What should you do if the voltmeter goes negative?

If the voltmeter goes negative, you should re arrange the wires so it’s connected properly.

What is the reading on the voltmeter

Our lemon battery generates about 0.9 volts of energy

How could you get a higher reading on the voltmeter

If you want to get a higher voltage out of a lemon battery, you should do the experiment with a lot of lemons so you can get more voltage in the lemons.

What happens if you connect a lot of lemon cells in series into a battery

If you connect a lot of lemons in a series into a battery, you get a much higher voltage out of the nails and copper strips.  The battery alone can generate more electricity than a series of 6-7 lemons.

Why does this work (think of the two different metals – Zinc and Copper)

This works by the nail having a negative charge which makes them want to get rid of their electrons. The Copper strip has positive charge which makes them attract electrons. The electrons move away from the nail because it has negative charge and they keep moving until they arrive to the copper strip that attracts them. This is how electrons move and the movement of electrons is a easy to say it’s electricity. If you’re wondering why do we use a lemon for this experiment ? Well the lemon acts like a wire or a pathway for the electrons to move, also potato can also do this experiment.


Explorers :

Britain : Captain Scott

Norway : Captain Amundsen

For thousands and thousands of years, no humans had ever been to Antarctica. They weren’t even sure it existed. In the 18th and 19th centuries, many brave explorers tried to find it. Eventually humans found Antarctica, Once it was discovered the next challenge was to reach the south pole.  The next challenge was to reach the south pole.

In 1902, Robert Scott, Edward Wilson and Ernest Shackleton set off try to find the South pole on the discoverers  expedition.

The team travelled on a sledge pulled by dogs. They reached further south than anyone had before. Eventually, they were forced to turn back before reaching the South Pole. By the time they returned to their ship, the explorers were all suffering from scurvy and frostbites.

In 1908, Ernest Shackleton made another attempt to reach the South Pole on the Nimrod Expedition.
Travelling across Antarctica was extremely hard work. They had to make their way  across the ice and through thick snow using pickaxes to clear their path. The team had to battle against temperatures as low as -90c They had to carry all of their food, clothes maps and other essentials. They had to set up camp on the ice when they needed to rest. Can you imagine building your home every bedtime !.

The Nimrod team managed to get further than Scott’s Discovery team. However, they became very ill and didn’t have enough food to complete the mission. They returned home before reaching the South Pole. In 1910, Robert Scott set off on another expedition to reach the South Pole.

On the way to Antarctica the ship encountered several problems.

  1. Another explores, Amundsen had sent Scott a telegram. in it, he explained that he was also going to the  South pole.
  2. The ship was struck by a storm, The crew had to use buckets to stop water from flooding in and sinking the ship.
  3. The ship then run into ice so that it couldn’t  sail through they were delayed by 20 days.

In 1911, the Terra Nova team set up a hut on Antarctica in a place that they named Cape Evans.

It was while doing scientific research that the team found out that the rival explorer, Amundsen, was camped on Antarctica too.

There was now a clear race to reach the South Pole. Scott wrote in his diary that he was going to carry on as usual, Ignoring Amundsen’s team.

In the start he set out with a group of 12 men, Scoot, Wilson, Oats, Bowers and Evan were the only ones who finished in their group.

In 1912, the team finally achieved their incredible goal ! The Team of five men reached the South Pole and Planted their British flag. But There was just one problem.

The Amundsen Expedition had already reached the South Pole. Ronald Amundsen, Helmer, Hanssen, Sverred Hassel and Ocsar Wisting were the first people to ever reach the South Pole. They found a short cut that took them only 57 days ! to get to the South Pole.

IT was over a month later, on 17 January 1912 that Scott and his team reached the South team reached the South Pole and discovered that the Norwegians had beaten them to it. They were extremely disappointed. After plating their flay Scott’s team headed for home.

Scott’s Terra Nova expedition ended in Tragedy, No one survived the return journey. Later that year A search party set out to find Scott and the Terra Nova Team . They put up a cross that now acts as a memorial to these brave explorers.

Bad Choices From Captain Scott :

  • Choosing ponies over dogs on the expedition.
  • Shortage of Supplies.
  • Lack of Fuel
  • Lack of Experience
  • Wrong Clothing
  • Too many explores to ration their food.
  • Poor diet.
  • Bad timing because of bad weather