Reflection Week 6

This week I felt a sense of belonging when :

I felt a sense of belonging when I was with my family and friends on the weekends. I also felt a sense of belonging when I was playing basketball with my team on Friday and we won the championship.

This week I felt a sense of accomplishment when :

Me and my team won the finals on Friday and I was going outside more. I also did a speech about my immigration to New Zealand and catch up on my work.

This week what I noticed about my feelings and emotions was :

I noticed that I was more tired and more sleepy at class because I was sleeping very late. I was basically laying down on my bed and doing nothing but I was going outside more.

This I felt affirmed at my unique identity when I :

I was with my friends and family and also with people that i’m close with.

Article :

Apparently there was a car that got stuck in the beaches of Invercargill. An Officer was carrying out duties out on sea but got stuck on the soft sand. The following days, the car was gone and there was a lot of attempts of trying to get the car out of the car and a tow truck won’t work because it would just sink in the sand.

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