Hello and welcome back to my blog,
In this class we moved to another topic and unit for our health class. We’re moving from nutrition and fitness to our FBI unit. On this topic we’re learning about how to read and know about the concept of personality. When we learned this topic, we started to learn the functions of our brain. We learned that there are four main parts of the brain which are the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital. There are two more extra parts which are cerebellum and the brain-stem. They all play a key and important role for our brains to function and use in our everyday lives. Each part has a responsibility to each situation. After that we played a game that teaches the roles of our brain. We click the different part of the brain and play a game that was relating to the part and function of the brain.
Then we did a personality test which I got the personality trait of a campaigner.
What group and personality type did you pick from that scenario and why ?
What did the personality test says about you ? (DO YOU AGREE ?)
I agree with my personality type because the results mostly say about what I act to other people and to myself. It says that i’m 54% extroverted which I agree with because I can be extroverted and introverted depending on what environment I am in. I’m 72% Intutive, 74% Feeling, 53% Prospecting and 85% Turbulent. I mostly agree with all of them, especially when i’m 85% turbulent because i’m more exposed to stress and expect something that we do is perfect.
What is the main difference between a non- psychopath and a psychopath brain :
The main difference between psychopaths and the brain is that they have difficulty finding what is right or wrong. As you can see in the x-ray, there’s a certain part of the brain that has a major difference between the normal brain. The psychopath’s brain has less grey matter which is a vital tissue that gives you the ability to move and function in your everyday life. It’s also responsible for retaining your memories and control movement and emotions. When a psychopath brain has less grey matter, they have trouble having guilt and doubts of their negative actions that impact poorly on other people. They can also affect how they feel they felt remorse or guilt to their inhumane actions.There was research in 2003 that they found out that psychopaths tend to have more violent tendencies than a regular person but not all psychopaths are driven by violent emotions.
Interesting facts that I learned :
There are so many things that I learned like the brain has four main parts that are each responsible for each purpose in your everyday life. They have their unique way of presenting their role for different situations. I also learned more about myself from the personality test and knowing what I got from the statistics.
How does knowing your personality type impact one of your hauora ? (Taha Wairua/Sense of Belonging)
My personality type impacted me a lot because I was more aware of how I behave and act to other people. It helps me to take note of what i’m doing and know if it’s relating what personality I got. It gave me a better understanding of myself and having more knowledge of how I treat and act to other people. I set boundaries to prevent me from overthinking what I got from my personality test because the test is not always telling the accurate data of your personality.
Work So far That We have done In This Topic.
All the stuff we’ve done was exploring different websites to learn more information about our brain and personality.