Category: Hanga | Create

Sail Boat Experiment


I want to find out how to make the fastest sail boat design

Goal :

  • Have the fastest and most distance covered
  • Have the best visual design
  • Most creative design and most creative name

Research :

How Sails Work 


The Science behind sails  ( Advance Level )

Plans/ blue print : 

Measurements :

  • 29 cm in length
  • 7 cm elevation
  • 8 cm of height

The inspiration for our car was a hybrid of a drag race car and f1 car. This is because of drag cars having more uneven turbulent air or air resistance that prevents our car maintaining higher velocity and speed. We wanted to focus on acceleration more than top speed. The reason behind is that our experiment layout isn’t very long so having a quicker speed time is much more important. But we also want a bit of top speed so we built spoilers and curved edges into our car so we can cut more air resistance.

Dragster | Hancha Blog

Adding f1 parts to our car can also make it more visually appealing to the car and we can add some references of f1 too. We planned to make an engine and put it inside of the car so we can add more weight so it sticks to the ground to get more grip.

Aerodynamic Studies of a 2022 F1 Car – Max Taylor – Aerodynamics and Motorsport Engineering

Our sail will be just a typical sail that can bend around the air to maintain its shape while withstanding the harsh powerful wind.

Hypothesis : 

I predict that our design will be one of the fastest sailboats in our class due to our aerodynamics that can provide less air resistance.

Variables :

Independent Variables : 

Things we control on the experiment to change the results of our experiment ( How we make our car faster from our design)

Dependent Variables :

Things we measure and record for the experiment ( How we record our time and speed of our car )

Controlled Variables : 

Using the same type of equipment to build our project.

(Same materials or equipment :

Method :


  • 1x Hot Glue Gun
  • 1x One Big Piece Of Cardboard
  • 1x Black Paper
  • 1x Any colour paper
  • 1x Black Marker
  • 1x A Sail Boat Cart Template
  • 12x popslice Sticks
  • 1x plastic bag
  • 1x roll tape

Instructions :

Note : I didn’t create this car, my team did due to injury

Creating The Car Component

  1.  Gather All of your equipment
  2. Cut two pieces of 29 cm long by 7 cm height triangle cardboard ( You can make it into a rectangle first and then cut it into equal triangles)
  3. Cut a 26 cm long by 7 cm length cardboard rectangle
  4.  Tape the triangles on top of the platform of the car
  5.  Tape the roof into the car
  6. Use hot glue to stick the different pieces of the cardboard ( Make sure you don’t hot glue it from the ground or platform of the car.
  7. Use the papers to create your own designs like numbers or logos.  (For our one we tried to make the redbull design)

Creating The Sail Component :

  1. Gather All of your equipment
  2.  Put 4 popsicle sticks on the bottom and the top
  3. Tape it on the bag
  4.  Create 2 hole on the top of the bag and 2 hole on the bottom of the bag ( make sure the hole are positioned in the middle ) [If the popsicle sticks are in the way you can put under it or over it]
  5. Put the bamboo sticks on the hole
  6. Tape the bamboo sticks onto the bag and popsicle sticks.
  7. The sail should swaying forward which means it might work !

Creating The Spoiler :

  1. Gather All of your equipment
  2. Cut two 4cm long pieces of cardboard
  3. Cut one 7 cm long piece of cardboard (Long Cardboard)
  4. Cut two small squares and attach them from the sides of the long cardboard
  5. Attach the two 4cm on the bottom of the long cardboard (This should look like a typically spoiler)

Results : 

Our car travelled 7.2 m in 13.0s

7.2 meters / 13 secounds= 0.553846154    0.553846154  x 3.6 = (1.99384615 kph)

What happened ?

For the first test we did it was a bit slow that blew our exceptions. I think it’s due to our cardboard pieces interfering with the wheels which made them harder to spin. The sail wasn’t mounted to car properly which cause to sway in the side.

For the secound the test we did, it flipped into it’s side because we turned the sail around. This is because we thought that it will provide more thrust which cause to travel faster.

Discussion/Explanation : 

What are the forces acting on your wind racer?

I think drag, thrust and air resistance are mainly contributing with our wind races due to the shape of our car attracting the forces of drag. We used a leaf blower to provide our car thrust to push it forward which was one of the main factors of forces acting upon our car. Air resistance was also contributing due to our sail being the tallest component of our car and the surrounding air was making our sail sway into the sides. It also provides a slight bit of thrust. Weight wasn’t really contributing due to our car being so light and agile that it didn’t provide grip to our wheels. If we would’ve had greater balanced weight it would’ve forced the car to slightly stick to the ground instead of flipping to its side.

  • Thurst
  • Drag
  • Air resistance
  • Weight

Are they balanced/ unbalanced?

Our forces are a majorly unbalanced mass of components of our car. The sail was almost or if not bigger than our car. The leaf blower provided the thrust and was hitting the sail which caused unbalanced forces of thrust and drag acting on the car. The thrust was far greater than our drag which relies on just the shape of our car. The air resistance and weight was also unbalanced but just a bit as well.

What is net force ?  

Net Forces are all of the amount of forces acting into something. They use the units of newtons that are the sum of all of the forces combined

How does this relate to the forces acting on your wind racer?

It relates to how much newtons and forces are acting on our car. In my perspective, I think there were too many newtons on our car that were a bit smaller that couldn’t handle a high number of newtons. Our parts need to be small so less unbalanced forces are acting in our car. The net force affected our car very greatly due to the sheer force that car had to endure. 

What are the strength of forces acting on it at different stages and How do the forces acting on the wind racer affect the motion of the wind racer at different points?


The start was the fastest stage for our car due to it being closer to the leaf blower which was providing our thrust. It was also part of our plan to focus on the acceleration instead of the top speed. The thrust force was fairly bigger that drag force which provided speed and distance for our car. 


Our car was kinda slowing down a bit due to it being much further off the leaf blower. The unbalanced forces were also acting more intensely in our car which caused us to turn left due to our sail swaying into the left. The force of drag started to get bigger while thrust force started to get diminished. 

End :

Our car stopped due to the leaf blower not providing thrust any more due to the distance. The drag force was taking over which caused the car to a complete stop as there was no more thrust force.  

Why do you think results may vary in the class?

I think the reason that our results may differ from other cars compared to different students. It is that people had unique designs that make us break their experiment. They also have different types of materials that they used that might help from the forces that are acting on their car. Using the leaf blower correctly can also come into play because the car moves when you provide the right aim distance to make the car move from the leaf blower. 

Formula : 

Calculating Speed


Calculating Forces

(/) = Dash means divide

M=F/A  = Mass

A=F/M = Acceleration

F = M x A = Forces

Forces Explained Videos

Calculating  Speed 

Calculating Forces  

Conclusions : 


  • Preparations ( We rushed some of the parts which caused our car to be slower)
  • Design and Stability of our sail ( Our sail wasn’t mounted to the car properly which caused it to sway into its side)
  • Utilising our equipment and materials ( We wasted a lot of materials that we didn’t even put it on our car)
  •  Placements of our components and parts. ( Our parts were interfering with the wheels caused it not to spin properly. )

Egg Parachute Experiment

Aim :

Find out how to make a parachute that can descend and protect an egg.


  • Have the slowest drop time
  • Most Creative name and Parachute
  • Most visual pleasing

Research :

Mark Rober Egg Drop (1st Place egg drop)

Mark Rober Egg Drop from space 

The Science Of Parachute 

Plan :

Our plan of our parachute is to make a design that is inspired from the movie from up. The egg would be sitting in a box that has a house and has a container that keeps an egg safe and protected.  There would be soft pads that can absorb the shock impact from the ground if the parachute won’t work. Our original plan was to put balloons inside of the parachute so it can fall slower and smoother. There would be popsicle sticks in the bottom to prevent the box from sliding sideways and possibly flip over and make the egg fall.

The parachute is going to be bigger so it can have a bigger surface area to trap and escape air from the parachute to make our egg fall slower.


Independent Variables : 

Things we control on the experiment to change the results of our experiment ( How we make our parachute to make our drop slower)

Dependent Variables :

Things we measure and record for the experiment ( How we record our time of our egg drop )

Controlled Variables : 

Using the same type of equipment to build our project.


I predict that our parachute would work because it’s much bigger and our drop time will be slower. The container that we made that consists of soft pads will absorb the impact from the floor; keeping the egg safe.

Method :

Equipment :

  • Hot Glue Gun
  • 10x Cardboard pieces
  • Yogurt container
  • 7x foam pieces
  • Plastic Bag
  • String

Instructions :

The base/House :

  1.  Gather all of your equipment
  2. Cut four cardboard pieces that are the same size (Four Walls)
  3. Hot glue the four pieces of cardboard ( Make it to a box)
  4. Cut another piece of cardboard and use the box as a guide to cut your bottom. (This creates a box with a base)

The container :

  1. Apply a tiny piece of cardboard inside of the middle of the box and hot glue it.
  2. Clean your yogurt container and hot glue it in the middle of the cardboard
  3. Cut your foam pieces into shapes that can fit in the bottom of your yogurt container
  4. Add four more foam pieces inside of the yogurt container in the four sides that surround it ( This breaks the impact force)


  1. Cut four cardboard pieces of trapezium that are the same length of your walls of the box
  2. Hot glue it from the top of the box ( This creates the roof)


  1. Get a plastic bag
  2. Cut it into a square but make sure it’s only one side ( The square plastic should be 1 layer thick)
  3. Cut four strings that are the same length
  4. Tape the strings in the four corners for your parachute
  5. Get the other side of your strings hot and glue it into your box
  6. Test it

Results from our drop :

  • Drop time : 2.08 seconds ( slowest time)
  • The egg didn’t break (It was safe and sound)  (We broke our original egg while making the parachute)
  • Our parachute was the slowest to fall


Why did some of the parachutes fall faster than others? Link this to the formula for forces (F = ma)

The reason that some parachutes fall faster is that it depends how big, thick or any factors that change the functionality of a parachute

The mass can also change the acceleration or the forces depending how little or how big the mass of for parachute

( F = MxA)

Were the forces balanced or unbalanced when your egg was falling? Link this to air resistance and weight.

Our parachute was balanced due to it’s size being equal to the box we made that can contain our egg. The egg is fairly the same mass of our parachute that it’s equal to each other.


How would you improve your design next time? Why would you do this? Reflect on how your experiment went.

I wouldn’t really change our design because we build our contraption the same as our idea. But there’s some improvements that we have to make, like being more prepared and not doing int he last minute or just making our contraption look better.

Extension task: add arrows to this google drawing to show the size and direction of the forces acting on your egg parachute. 



Hello and welcome back to my blog,

Today we’re going to talk about what happened on my weekend. First of all , the first thing that I did on the weekend was play basketball. I have a basketball game every Saturday and I have a team assembled. We represent a company that is in our jersey. We represent YSA photbooths which is a company responsible for cameras that are getting used for big events. Our jersey template is the Phoenix Suns City Jersey 2024.

For this week we unfortunate we lost our game by we know what are going to do in the future in the next game. We have to plan more defensive and offensive plays that can strengthen our team. We also need to have more team chemistry which can also build more teamwork.

That basically sums up what happened in my weekend because the following day I was just resting. this is due to my finger being swallowed up and being red.

Football Reflection Term 2

This term in PE we have been learning about Football

The following words are used in football. What do they mean? Write their definitions

  1. Offside – When the attacker is behind the last defender to the goal which is out of bounds.
  2. Onside –  The opposite of the offside which the attacker is not behind to the last defender
  3. Kick off – Kicking the ball in the centre position of the field when the match is starting or resuming.
  4. Dribble – To move along with the ball by using small kicks that go smoothly.
  5. Pass – Kicking the ball toward the teammate
  6. Throw In – Throwing the ball over your head when you have the ball position

Football is played with 11 players on each team at one time. The field is 60 m wide x 100 meters.

The equipment needed is

  • Mouthguard
  • Shin Pads
  • Gloves
  • Soccer Ball
  • Cleats
  • A Goal


The most important rules of Football are – Offside, Red Card, Yellow Card and Free Kicks

  • One Thing that I improved at was – Passing and Dribbling
  • One thing I enjoyed was – Kicking the ball and stealing it from the opposition
  • I need to keep working on my control of the ball and my stamina
  • I enjoyed playing with Nathan because he has a history behind playing football and he is really good at it.
  • I always bring my pe gear to school .



Hello and welcome back to my blog,


My holiday has been a cycle of doing the same thing that consists of sleeping late, cleaning the house and laying down in my bed. The main three things that I did on the holiday was cleaning and going to practice.


Cleaning is my requirement to finish before my parents come home for work. I clean everyday unless I have to leave early for meetings or training. I always take care of the kitchen by cleaning vigorously, every spec of the kitchen. I sometimes clean the refrigerator, oven and the pantry. I stocked the pantry with food and cleaned every kitchen equipment. After I am done with my chores,

I sometimes just stay in my room and  develop a habit of having naps in the afternoon which causes me to eat up a quarter of my day. If I have days that I have practices, I take the bus to go there which requires me to gain more patience from waiting at the bus. Sometimes it is just a hassle to get there because I live outside the city. After practice I get into another bus which also takes a long time to get to my desired destination.


In conclusion it’s been an uneventful holiday but I’m glad to have time to rest for the next term of school.

Things that I did 

  • Basketball Training
  • Cleaning
  • Church events
  • River
  • Hammer Springs
  • Sleep

Term 1 Reflection

Term Reflection :

How has your term been ? 

The term has been alright for me because it’s an introduction to year 10 to expose myself to exams and studies. It’s better to experience now to learn how to do exams and how to prepare for it. 

What has made it good/bad ?

Pros : 


Reading books

Choice of Classroom


Gratitude Journals


My Mahi  

Cons :

Classmates not listening 


Lack of completion on class

Skipping class and going to another class

What can you do next term to make things happen? 

I’ll just probably do the tasks that are given to me and listen to the teacher. I’ll listen to the teacher and be nice to others. 

Gratitude Journal

An emotion that you felt 


A quote that inspires or motivates you  

“WHO’s going to carry the boats and the logs ?”

My brother gave me his calculator.


Reflection from Met the Wānanga Teacher Day

YOUR GOALS should be on BLOG post- add this completed  sheet


What was my goal:

My goal in this school is just to finish all the tasks that have been given to me and also maintain the quality of my work as well. I also want to participate in extracurricular activities like sports or maybe any cultural activities. Winning the basketball tournament would be a good goal for school and I’m definitely pushing it to it. I always have a goal at the end of the term to win awards in my class in prize giving. 

In the boxes below state how your working towards your goals
Being focused in class and have full attention on it.  Attend basketball practice and work on my craft. Reduce the amount of homework and do it in class  Giving it my all in my classes try to get excellence. 
Have you completed your goal:

Not yet because it’s still the start of the year and I have a lot of time to work on myself and others. I still have a lot of opportunities that are given to it me to achieve and prove my goals.

Based on conversations from Met the Wananga teacher day what changes or improvements do you need to make to your current goal or to create a new goal?
1. 2. 3. 4.
New Goal is: 
Steps I am going to take to achieve these goals






New Date for completion of Goal:

HHS Athletic Sport

HHS Athletic Sports 2024 – Blog reflection

I participated in these events 

  • Long Jump
  • High Jump
  • Triple Jump
  • Shot Put
  • Sprints
  • Long Distance Running

Results :

  • Long Distance Running (4.5 laps)
  • Shot Putt 6.1 m
  • Long jump 3.5m

The activity that I missed was Discus and Javelin.

The weather was raining for the Hornby Athletics Event which got cancelled for two days because of weather conditions.

I felt good when I did Discus because it’s my favourite event and I like the process of throwing and spinning the Discus plate.

Something/someone that surprised me was in high jump because my friend managed to get the highest bar by still doing a scissors kick instead of a frosby flop. 

My friend Nathan did well in Long Distance Running and High Jump because he reached above the benchmark which was amazing for him. To be honest he was the best in all of the events.

One thing that I could have done was to get 5 laps in Long Distance Running in 12 minutes because I was really close to achieving my goal because I ran 4.5 laps after the 12 minute timer was up  

The highlight of my day was doing the Athletics events with my friends and having a great time with them. 

Next year I hope to get better statistics  from this year’s event to show my improvement. 

Punnet And Zombie Blog

Aim : 

I want to find out what is a Punnet Square and what is the purpose of it.

Research : 

The Basics of Punnet Square  

The Basics of Punnet Square (In Detail/30 min)

Dominant Alleles vs Recessive Alleles 

Hypothesis :

There’s no purpose of the Hypothesis because we can  predict what traits it has by using the punnet square.

Method : 


  • Paper ( This paper has to have a punnet square formation)
  • Pen or pencil

Instructions :

  1. Gather your equipment
  2. Use one lower case and one higher case that represent a trait or appearance of your zombie
  3.  Fill out the punnet square with your lower and upper case  letters and only use the letter within the column’s boundaries
  4.  Use your punnet information to gather up all of your traits
  5.  Use those traits to make your zombie.

Discussion : 

What is a punnet square and what is the purpose of it ?

A punnet square is used to predict what traits or phenotypes the offspring has from which parents. It can also predict the percentage and the probability of the offspring getting traits.  The table is separated into four quadrants that also have four columns that have lower and upper case letters on it. The letters represent the traits of their appearance. If one letter has more than the other, that letter has a higher chance to represent its traits and appearance

Punnett and His Square | Segregation of Genes: The Plant Breeder's Method of Predicting the Future - passel

Phenotype meaning  :

Phenotype decides on getting their unique or similar appearance depending what environment they expose their body with.

Genotype :

Genotype the DNA code from past family members that makes a particular gene to change the person’s appearance. It can mean that the person inherits the code of the DNA from one of their parents. It’s also the result of what appearance they get and what regular or personal traits they get.

Gene :

Gene is a herneanticlty that is passed on a child after many generations.

Allele :

Allele is a different variation or different form of a gene. It’s like having two traits or two chromosomes mixing together as one.

How Do Alleles Determine Traits in Genetics?

DNA Mutations :

Evolution :

Adaptation :

Water Pong

Hello and welcome back to my blog,

Today for our health class we did an activity called water pong. Water pong is basically throwing ping pong balls inside of a cup full of water. The cups have a triangle formation and our goal is to put a ball in every cup. this activity helps us in teamwork, hand-coordination skills and accuracy.

Questions and tasks Sentence starters (if needed ) Evidence 
  • Explain what the activity was that you participated in

The activity that we did was water pong. Basically there’s a cup formation filled with water and we have to throw ping pong balls inside of it. 

Today we played….

How we played the game was…

Some of the rules of this game are…

Picture sent to you from the teacher. Put this on your blog!

  • Which areas of hauora were affected when you participated in the game?

The main area that was affected was taha whanau and taha tinana. My taha whanau was affected because I was doing this activity with my friends and my classmates. Then for my taha tinana it’s affected because it’s a physical activity and needs a lot of focus and concentration. 

The areas of hauora that were affected by participating in…..(insert game name) were…..
  • How were the areas of your hauora affected when you played the game?
My taha ……. was impacted positively or negatively by/because… 

Repeat this for all areas of hauora that were affected.

Excellence question: use other key concepts from your glossary inside of your answer (slide 2 on the Key Concepts slideshow)

  • Do you think that the values of social justice: fairness or inclusiveness and/or non-discrimination were shown today? How?

Everyone was included in the group and everybody had a turn to throw the ball inside of the cup. Also everybody is respectful to each other. 

The social justice value of…… was shown/not shown when…..

Repeat this for all values of relevance. 

  • How well do you feel that you participated in today’s activity? Why is that?

I feel okay participating because I also participated in class activities. It is also another way to do work in a fun environment.  

I did/ somewhat/ did not participate in today’s activity. This was because


  • What are the definitions of our other key concepts?
  • Taha Waruia is about spirituality and well being. It applies to religion and also to your own values and identity.  

Social Justice….

Short term and Long term….
