Tag: Sci

Hands on Fire


Fire bending 


I want to find out how to safely set my hands on fire.


Research :


Video 1


Video 2


Method :

  •  Water
  • Gas 
  • Matches/ Lighter
  • Soap 
  • Container



    1. Get our equipment ready.
    2. Fill container with a mixture with soap and water 
    3. Make bubbles of gas in the container with the soapy water      
    4. Roll up your sleeves.
    5. Wear safety goggles 
    6. Tie back your hair ( if you got long hair) 
    7. Wet your hands to your elbow 
    8. Scoop the bubbles 
    9. Light the bubbles with the lighter 
  •  Do not panic

Why is your hands not burning ?

The first reason because the trap that you scoop the bubbles from has methane on it. Methane is a chemical compound which is main chemical compound for gas and highly flammable and a green house gas. When you lift your hands off the tray the bubbles are already moving up and off your skin so therefore your hands won’t burn,

Just make if you doing this experiment make sure you keep the bubbles over eye level but don’t point your hands too high. Also make sure it’s far away from your head. 

Results. Preview attachment 20220223_140030.mp4


12 MB


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