Tag: Science

Sail Boat Experiment


I want to find out how to make the fastest sail boat design

Goal :

  • Have the fastest and most distance covered
  • Have the best visual design
  • Most creative design and most creative name

Research :

How Sails Work 


The Science behind sails  ( Advance Level )

Plans/ blue print : 

Measurements :

  • 29 cm in length
  • 7 cm elevation
  • 8 cm of height

The inspiration for our car was a hybrid of a drag race car and f1 car. This is because of drag cars having more uneven turbulent air or air resistance that prevents our car maintaining higher velocity and speed. We wanted to focus on acceleration more than top speed. The reason behind is that our experiment layout isn’t very long so having a quicker speed time is much more important. But we also want a bit of top speed so we built spoilers and curved edges into our car so we can cut more air resistance.

Dragster | Hancha Blog

Adding f1 parts to our car can also make it more visually appealing to the car and we can add some references of f1 too. We planned to make an engine and put it inside of the car so we can add more weight so it sticks to the ground to get more grip.

Aerodynamic Studies of a 2022 F1 Car – Max Taylor – Aerodynamics and Motorsport Engineering

Our sail will be just a typical sail that can bend around the air to maintain its shape while withstanding the harsh powerful wind.

Hypothesis : 

I predict that our design will be one of the fastest sailboats in our class due to our aerodynamics that can provide less air resistance.

Variables :

Independent Variables : 

Things we control on the experiment to change the results of our experiment ( How we make our car faster from our design)

Dependent Variables :

Things we measure and record for the experiment ( How we record our time and speed of our car )

Controlled Variables : 

Using the same type of equipment to build our project.

(Same materials or equipment :

Method :


  • 1x Hot Glue Gun
  • 1x One Big Piece Of Cardboard
  • 1x Black Paper
  • 1x Any colour paper
  • 1x Black Marker
  • 1x A Sail Boat Cart Template
  • 12x popslice Sticks
  • 1x plastic bag
  • 1x roll tape

Instructions :

Note : I didn’t create this car, my team did due to injury

Creating The Car Component

  1.  Gather All of your equipment
  2. Cut two pieces of 29 cm long by 7 cm height triangle cardboard ( You can make it into a rectangle first and then cut it into equal triangles)
  3. Cut a 26 cm long by 7 cm length cardboard rectangle
  4.  Tape the triangles on top of the platform of the car
  5.  Tape the roof into the car
  6. Use hot glue to stick the different pieces of the cardboard ( Make sure you don’t hot glue it from the ground or platform of the car.
  7. Use the papers to create your own designs like numbers or logos.  (For our one we tried to make the redbull design)

Creating The Sail Component :

  1. Gather All of your equipment
  2.  Put 4 popsicle sticks on the bottom and the top
  3. Tape it on the bag
  4.  Create 2 hole on the top of the bag and 2 hole on the bottom of the bag ( make sure the hole are positioned in the middle ) [If the popsicle sticks are in the way you can put under it or over it]
  5. Put the bamboo sticks on the hole
  6. Tape the bamboo sticks onto the bag and popsicle sticks.
  7. The sail should swaying forward which means it might work !

Creating The Spoiler :

  1. Gather All of your equipment
  2. Cut two 4cm long pieces of cardboard
  3. Cut one 7 cm long piece of cardboard (Long Cardboard)
  4. Cut two small squares and attach them from the sides of the long cardboard
  5. Attach the two 4cm on the bottom of the long cardboard (This should look like a typically spoiler)

Results : 

Our car travelled 7.2 m in 13.0s

7.2 meters / 13 secounds= 0.553846154    0.553846154  x 3.6 = (1.99384615 kph)

What happened ?

For the first test we did it was a bit slow that blew our exceptions. I think it’s due to our cardboard pieces interfering with the wheels which made them harder to spin. The sail wasn’t mounted to car properly which cause to sway in the side.

For the secound the test we did, it flipped into it’s side because we turned the sail around. This is because we thought that it will provide more thrust which cause to travel faster.

Discussion/Explanation : 

What are the forces acting on your wind racer?

I think drag, thrust and air resistance are mainly contributing with our wind races due to the shape of our car attracting the forces of drag. We used a leaf blower to provide our car thrust to push it forward which was one of the main factors of forces acting upon our car. Air resistance was also contributing due to our sail being the tallest component of our car and the surrounding air was making our sail sway into the sides. It also provides a slight bit of thrust. Weight wasn’t really contributing due to our car being so light and agile that it didn’t provide grip to our wheels. If we would’ve had greater balanced weight it would’ve forced the car to slightly stick to the ground instead of flipping to its side.

  • Thurst
  • Drag
  • Air resistance
  • Weight

Are they balanced/ unbalanced?

Our forces are a majorly unbalanced mass of components of our car. The sail was almost or if not bigger than our car. The leaf blower provided the thrust and was hitting the sail which caused unbalanced forces of thrust and drag acting on the car. The thrust was far greater than our drag which relies on just the shape of our car. The air resistance and weight was also unbalanced but just a bit as well.

What is net force ?  

Net Forces are all of the amount of forces acting into something. They use the units of newtons that are the sum of all of the forces combined

How does this relate to the forces acting on your wind racer?

It relates to how much newtons and forces are acting on our car. In my perspective, I think there were too many newtons on our car that were a bit smaller that couldn’t handle a high number of newtons. Our parts need to be small so less unbalanced forces are acting in our car. The net force affected our car very greatly due to the sheer force that car had to endure. 

What are the strength of forces acting on it at different stages and How do the forces acting on the wind racer affect the motion of the wind racer at different points?


The start was the fastest stage for our car due to it being closer to the leaf blower which was providing our thrust. It was also part of our plan to focus on the acceleration instead of the top speed. The thrust force was fairly bigger that drag force which provided speed and distance for our car. 


Our car was kinda slowing down a bit due to it being much further off the leaf blower. The unbalanced forces were also acting more intensely in our car which caused us to turn left due to our sail swaying into the left. The force of drag started to get bigger while thrust force started to get diminished. 

End :

Our car stopped due to the leaf blower not providing thrust any more due to the distance. The drag force was taking over which caused the car to a complete stop as there was no more thrust force.  

Why do you think results may vary in the class?

I think the reason that our results may differ from other cars compared to different students. It is that people had unique designs that make us break their experiment. They also have different types of materials that they used that might help from the forces that are acting on their car. Using the leaf blower correctly can also come into play because the car moves when you provide the right aim distance to make the car move from the leaf blower. 

Formula : 

Calculating Speed


Calculating Forces

(/) = Dash means divide

M=F/A  = Mass

A=F/M = Acceleration

F = M x A = Forces

Forces Explained Videos

Calculating  Speed 

Calculating Forces  

Conclusions : 


  • Preparations ( We rushed some of the parts which caused our car to be slower)
  • Design and Stability of our sail ( Our sail wasn’t mounted to the car properly which caused it to sway into its side)
  • Utilising our equipment and materials ( We wasted a lot of materials that we didn’t even put it on our car)
  •  Placements of our components and parts. ( Our parts were interfering with the wheels caused it not to spin properly. )


Aim :

I want to find out how to make a dilution series.

Research :

Molarity and Dilution 

Dilute or Concentrated 

Hypothesis :

My hypothesis is that the last test tube is going to be clear because the potassium permangante will get minimized in each test tube.

Method :

Equipment :

  • Test Tube Rack
  • Test Tubes
  • 10mL measuring cylinder
  • Spatula
  • Potassium permanganate
  • Safety Glasses

Instructions :

  1. Gather your equipment
  2. Fill the measuring cylinder with 10 ml of water
  3. Get one test tube and fill the test tube with 10 ml of water.
  4. Get the rest of the test tubes and fill all of them in 9 ml water ( Use your Measuring cylinder)
  5. Grab your spatula and scoop once of potassium permangante ( DON”T EAT BECAUSE IT CAN BE FATAL)
  6. Put the potassium permangante to the test tube with 10 ml of water ( The test tube of the most amount of water and the test tube that you put the potassium permangante is supposed to be purple )
  8. Mix it with your spatula
  9.  Pour 1 ml of the first test tube into the second test tube.
  10. Pour 1 ml of the second tube into the third test tube
  11. Pour 1 ml of the third test tube into the fourth tube
  12. Pour 1 ml of the fourth test into the fifth test tube
  13. Pour 1 ml of the fifth test tube into sixth

Results :

In each test tube, the concentration was getting less visible and being more diluted by the amount of water. In the last two tubes was clear because there was less amount of potassium permangante.

Discussion :

What happened :

When we were doing the experiment, we noticed that it was very hard to measure the water if there was too much or too little. When you are filling up the measuring cylinder, you have to time it right when going to the suggested right measurement. In each second it would fill up really fast and then you ended up overfilling it.

The colours were changing because there was less amount of potassium permangante

Saturated Meaning :

Solvent : Usually a liquid that can dissolve more than one substance, it always dissolves a solute.

Solute : A dissoluble substance that can be dissolved by solvent because solvent is a liquid

When there’s a lot of solute in the water and it hasn’t dissolved. it’s going to be saturated because there’s too many particles in the slovent and there’s no room for space out the particles which results in the solute not being dissolved which means being saturated


Filter Paper Experiment

Aim :

I want to compare two ways of folding filter paper


What is Filtration 


Hypothesis ( A prediction to the experiment)

Independent Variable : Things we can change to the experiment ( The way we fold the paper with different techniques )

Dependent Variable  : Things we can measure to the experiment ( How long it takes to filter the water )

Control Variable : The same amount of water, The same amount of sand, The same temperature of water, The size of the funnel and filter, the same brand of equipment and has been experimented in the same date.

My Hypothesis :

I predict the conical paper fold would be better in filtering water than the fluted paper fold. I chose the conical paper fold because there’s surface area to pour the water on the filter paper rather than the fluted paper fold. Because it has more sharp edges and less surface to pour down the filter paper.



Method :

Equipment :

  • 2 Funnels ( Same Brand)
  • 2 Breakers ( Same Beakers )
  • 2 Stirring Rods ( Same Stirring Rods)
  • 2 Sheets Of Filter Paper ( Same Brand )
  • 2 Conical Flasks ( Same Conical Flasks )
  • 2 Timers ( Same Brand )
  • Small Amount Of Sand ( Use The Same Amount On The Two Tests )

Instructions :

  1. Put a funnel in each conical flask

2.  Fold one of the filter paper into the conical shape. To fold the filter paper into the conical shape, you have to fold the paper into a semicircle, then you fold it again into halves. Then you open the paper and it should be a cone shape. If it’s too confusing, here’s a video

3.  Fold the other filter paper into the fluted shape. Fold the paper into a semicircle, then fold it again ( like you did in the conical shape ). Then you fold it again and open it, into a semi circle and fold along each of the dotted lines, in the picture. After that you open it, if you are stuck in this part, here’s a Video

4. Put both of the filter paper into each funnel and use a bit of water to dampen the paper.

5. Put a spoonful of sand on both of the beakers and add 100 ml of water ( You have to make sure that you’re measurements are right to get the best result )

6. Stir one of the beakers, then you pour the mixture in the conical paper ( funnel shaped ). When the water is in the filter paper, you start the paper.

After that you pour the mixture in to the fluted paper and then you start the timer, when the water hits the paper.

7. Make sure you check that all of the water has passed through the filter and stop the timer when the water has done filtering. ( The sand should appear at the top of the paper. Then note down for filtration to occur and add other facts about what happened and the appearance of it.


Results :

first test : 2.10.83  min  ( fluted way )

Second test : 5.13.05  ( conical way )


Tests  Conical Fluted
Mikaylah, Bronx and Mereana (Slow)


Worked Better
Tane, Kahu and Sione  (Slow) Broke
Jason, Messiah, Camron and Connor  Slow – more than 5 minutes  23 seconds then blocked
Lydia, Kayleigh, Sophia and Nevaeh  Slow- Broke  Faster
Shaheen, Renz and Katene  5 min 13 sec 2 min 10 sec
Jackson and Jazaky  Slower Faster 

Discussions :

What happened ?

The first test went slow but went faster. For my perspective, I think it went faster in the end because it filtered more solids and drained the water faster and faster because it didn’t get blocked .

At the start the second test went super fast at the start but slowed down because it got blocked up and slowly drained the water.

How can we fix that problem when writing the methods for another experiment ?

I think the main problem we have to fix is to properly put the paper  in the funnel, because in the first test it wasn’t in the funnel properly and drained very slowly. When I lifted the paper up, a bit went faster because it got blocked by the filter paper. That means that maybe the test might get messed up.

What colour was the water after filtering ?

The colour of the water before filtering was murky and has a greyish brown tint because of the sand we put in the water. But when we filtered it, it was clear like glass but the sand may be hiding in the water in microscopic forms.

What is Suspension ?

Suspension is a way to say when two solids are mixed but not dissoluble. For example mud is a suspension because water and mud is mixed together because there’s two solids that are dissoluble.

Another meaning is that a suspension :

Suspension : foggy/ Cloudy – not dissolved – stopped by the filter paper

What is a Solution ?

A solution is a mixture that a has two substances that are evenly mixed and one solvent and solute

Solution- not cloudy- dissolved- go through to the filter paper

Meaning :

Solvent : Usually a liquid that can dissolve more than one substance, it always dissolves a solute.

Solute : A dissoluble substance that can be dissolved by solvent because solvent is a liquid

Conclusions :

My hypothesis was wrong but at least we knew that one of the papers is better than the other.

Thank you for checking out my blog and making sure you comment down below if you learnt anything for today. Thank you and have a good day.


The Sun

Aim :

I want to find out a lot of information about the sun.

Research :

Information about the sun

Comparing other stars 



Facts About The Sun :

You need about 1.3 million earths to fill the sun’s mass.

The sun is about 5,778 Celsius hot. About 10432.4 Fahrenheit. But if you go deeper in the sun it gets hotter because it’s so dense and it’s atoms has a reaction called nucleus atom. The Core of it is about  27 million degrees Fahrenheit for an example the Tsar Bomb is the biggest bomb ever and the heat of it is 180000032.0000000298 Fahrenheit. 

Atoms : It’s a chemical compound that has protons, neutrons and electrons. Neutrons is a particle that is found in every atom and hydrogen (Hydrogen is natural gas). Protons is a main ingredient of an atom. Electrons is the build of an atom, they call them self a free electrons. There the ones who is responsible of negative energy like and battery it has a positive side and negative side.

Atom: Definition, Structure & Parts with Labeled Diagram




The sun is actually a dwarf yellow star because if they compered to them self with other suns they will be very small. For an example the largest star R136a1, if you replace the sun with the largest star, it would outshine the moon and will pull the earth orbit and the years would be just 3 weeks.

What Is the Most Massive Star? | Space

The Sun very old about 100 billion years old in the milky way. It’s about halfway it’s year so that means the sun’s life length is about 200 billion years.

The Sun is actually not solid, it’s just a big ball of hot gas and it moves very slow.

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Aim :

I want to find out how to find out to build a working catapults.

Research :

History about the Catapults 

How to make it ( With Popsicles Stick ) 

Catapult Made out of Paper 

Advance Catapult 

Method :

Equipment :

  • A Good Amount of Popsicle Sticks ( At least 20x )
  • 7x Rubber Bands
  • 1x spoon
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Balls of Paper or Aluminum Foil.

Instruction :

  1. Gather your equipment
  2.  Put two popsicle stick next to each other
  3.  Put two more popsicle stick on top of them and hot glue them : Like this


Results :


Discussion :

How does the catapult work ?

The Daily DoodleDo! Levers & Catapults

What Forces is involved in the motion of a catapult ?

The forces involve is gravity, air and resistance. The force gravity makes the item go down because gravity keeps everything from leaving the earth’s atmosphere rather than rising up. Air is something that lifts off in the ground.

Lesson Worksheet:Mechanical Advantage | Nagwa






Breaking A Wine Glass Your Voice

Aim :

I want to found out if I can break a wine glass with my voice and the science behind it.


A person doing it 

Science Behind it 

Science Behind it 2


To Shatter a glass with the sound of your voice, you need your voice to sound 550hz

An average man can produce sound about 80hz to 180hz

An average woman can produce a sound about 165hz to 255hz


Equipment :

  • Wine Glass ( Crystal)
  • Safety Glasses
  • Plastic Straw


  1. Gather Your Equipment Ready
  2. Find a safe place to do it ( Do it outside with some grass)
  3.  Wear Your Safety Glasses
  4.  Put your straw in the wine glasses
  5. Flick the top of the wine glass to test the resonance tone
  6. Bring the wine glass about 5 cm away your mouth
  7. Sweep the glass with your voice ( Bring your voice to a low hz frequency, then start to build up )
  8.  The straw will bounce around if it’s in the right frequency
  9. The hard part is too hold your voice at the right frequency until it makes cracks then it breaks

Results :



Sadly the wine glass didn’t break. The wind didn’t help either because the straw is a indication if our voice is in the right voice. If it moves around it means we’re using the right tone, but the wind blows it.

Why does the wine glass break with your voice

How does your voice break the wine glass

Digital Debunking: Can You Actually Shatter Glass with Your Voice?


It’s a rhythm of sounds that has movement like a heartbeat monitor. The frequency of the sound goes higher and lower.

Amplitude Oscillation Frequency Black and White Illustration - Twinkl

Can you break something harder than glass with your voice

Yes you can because even your voice can break glass. For an example a asteroid landed in Russia. The impact wasn’t the most destructive part it was when it was flying over the towns and cites. It was so loud and powerful that they break glass from buildings and damaged the cites.



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Solar Cookers


I want find out how to make a working solar cooker


Life long stove  

How to make one `

How does it work

How To make one 2


Method :

Equipment :

  • Box ( Best to use a shoe box)
  • 5 foam blocks
  • Glue or tape
  • Stick or something to hold the box lid
  • Ruler
  • Pencil or pen
  • Foil
  • Transparent sheet
  1. Cut the foam blocks to the perfect length of the box for all the sides
  2. Wrap all the foam blocks with foil
  3. Glue the bottom foam block in the box
  4. like this  :
  5. Glue all the sides of the box with foam blocks       
  6. Glue all the top part of the sides in the top with foil


I did the solar cooker in a different way

Here’s the video that I used for the solar cooker 



How does it work ?

A solar cooker is a device that use the sun light.

It works by the uv rays and the solar radiation of the sun goes to the box and reflex around the box because foil reflects sun lights. Solar radiation and uv rays has a bit of heat and they surround in the box.

For an example is like climate change co2 traps the heat inside of the box and more heat enters to the heat that has been trapped like the green house effect.

The greenhouse effect | NIWA


Sound Energy

Aim :

I want to find out what is sound energy and how it works.

Research :

What is sound ?

World’s Largest Horn  (2.56) Science 


Brown Noise 

What frequency you can’t hear is about 20hz to 20000hz.

How does your ear work ?

It works by the sound waves going to the Pinna which is the outside part of your ear. Then the sound waves travels to the ear canal, then goes to the eardrum. Then they sends vibrations through out the three bones of the ear called the malleus, incus and stapes.

How does your ears work ?

How The Ear Works | Your Summary Of Normal Hearing Function


Discussion :

What is Sound ?

  • Frequency
  • Pitch
  • Tone
  • Loudness

What is a brown note

Brown note is the prefect frequency that you feel a vibration on your body. There’s one fun fact that the brown note makes you poop if you calm down.

The Brown Note  

Can sound waves generate heat ?

Actually sound waves can generate heat.  There’s always almost heat in sound waves  when they travel but it’s just microscopic, made from atoms.

Cooking with Sounds 

What is LRAD ?

Long- range acoustic device is a sound cannon or device that makes protest and riots go away. The device might make you temporary deaf or permanently deaf if you are Infront or in the back of the device. Ear plugs might help you little bit if you push it inside of your ear canal.

Is there sound in space ?

There’s no sound in space because sound is a vibration made from particles. In earth sound travels by the vibration of air molecules going to your ear. But in space it’s a vacuum, but there’s only few molecules able to vibrate. There’s a lot of theories that there’s is sound in space but, we can’t just hear it.  There a lot of “recorded sounds” in space.

There Is Sound In Space, Thanks To Gravitational Waves

Thank you for checking out on my blog and make sure you comment down below if you leant something about sound. Thank you

Paper Planes

Aim : 

I want to find out how to make a paper plane that can fly the farthest distance. 


Research :        


Paper Plane Fail   


Paper Plane That I Will Build 


Weird Paper Plane 


Method : 

  • One piece of plaine of a4 paper 


Instructions to build the world record paper plane :

  • Fold the paper in half horizontally  
  • Fold the corners to meet in the middle 
  • Flip the two corners toward you ( IT HAS TO LOOK LIKE AN ENVELOPE)  and make sure it has a 2.5cm from the bottom.  
  • Fold the two corners in the same side then you fold the corners.
  • Unfold the corners. 
  • Fold the corners and aigline it in the folded line and do it at the other side 
  • Fold the tip towards you and it has to be leveled the same corners that you folded
  • Turn it at the other side and fold it in half 
  • Fold the tip and make sure it looks like a triangle in 180 degrees.
  • Open the tip and fold it like a diamond and fold it half again in the opposite direction




Distance place  5m
Crazy Plane   3m


Discussion .

How can paper plane fly ?

Paper planes glide through the air. They also relay their current altitude and their weight to coast around the air. Also they use aerodynamics which means moving something in the air by drag and lift by momentum.

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Hands on Fire


Fire bending 


I want to find out how to safely set my hands on fire.


Research :


Video 1


Video 2


Method :

  •  Water
  • Gas 
  • Matches/ Lighter
  • Soap 
  • Container



    1. Get our equipment ready.
    2. Fill container with a mixture with soap and water 
    3. Make bubbles of gas in the container with the soapy water      
    4. Roll up your sleeves.
    5. Wear safety goggles 
    6. Tie back your hair ( if you got long hair) 
    7. Wet your hands to your elbow 
    8. Scoop the bubbles 
    9. Light the bubbles with the lighter 
  •  Do not panic

Why is your hands not burning ?

The first reason because the trap that you scoop the bubbles from has methane on it. Methane is a chemical compound which is main chemical compound for gas and highly flammable and a green house gas. When you lift your hands off the tray the bubbles are already moving up and off your skin so therefore your hands won’t burn,

Just make if you doing this experiment make sure you keep the bubbles over eye level but don’t point your hands too high. Also make sure it’s far away from your head. 

Results. Preview attachment 20220223_140030.mp4


12 MB


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